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Pregnancy and breastfeeding is a very special time for many reasons. The body changes, the hormones go crazy, emotionally it goes up and down. A new person grows in you. You feed this little person from your energy reservoir. What a miracle. During the breastfeeding period you give milk, give attention and care, do without sleep and give warmth so that this little creature grows and thrives. This time is wonderful, heartfelt, tender, heartbreaking AND exhausting at the same time! You may be confronted with situations that are new and unknown, that unsettle you and present you with completely new challenges. Physically, emotionally and personally. I would like to support you with the massage to focus your attention again on yourself and your well-being. Take a deep breath and take a break from giving. Let go of your shoulders and arms, which are so lovingly carried and protected. Your strong back, which holds everything, is allowed to relax. Your legs are allowed to rest. It is very important for me that you can replenish and regenerate your resources and I look forward to accompanying you during this magical time! Your massage is rounded off with an aromatic tea.

60 min – 80 €

Private health insurance companies or subsidies usually cover my services in full by billing according to the scale of fees for alternative practitioners.
Private supplementary insurance policies for alternative practitioner services reimburse the costs in part or in full.
Please contact your health insurance company directly for more information.

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