I invite you to a massage that is tailored to your individual needs. It brings together elements from my wealth of experience over almost 20 years with yoga, meditation, bodywork and methods of personal development. Each of my massages is individual, unique and arises in the moment enabling you to enjoy and also be more in the moment. Your senses are addressed through touch, scents and sound in a space that is trusted and secure and one in which you can fully be yourself. A space in which your mind comes to rest and your body can let go and relax allowing it to fully show and express itself. I will act with mindfulness and sensitivity as I accompany you and bring you back into contact with yourself, to feel your body, to breathe easier and deeper and to trust your inner perception. The atmosphere in our beautiful practice is bright and calm and enables you to briefly forget your everyday life and journey back to your inner self.
60 Min – 80 €
90 Min – 120 €